A Warm Welcome to Reception Butterflies!
In Reception Butterflies we have two teachers: Mrs Grant-Muller and Miss Dennis.
We are very lucky to have our nursery nurses Mrs Reay and Mrs Bartlett (PM) who support our learning along with our teaching assistants Mrs Wilson and Mrs Walmsley.
At Ingrow, we offer a curriculum rich in wonder and memorable experiences. We work hard to provide a stimulating environment that provides exciting opportunities, promotes challenge, exploration, adventure and a real love of learning.
Our adults are passionate about providing the children with the very best early education and are specialists in nurturing the children and supporting them to develop a curiosity and love of learning.
Our curriculum is bespoke and builds upon our children’s life experiences, to provide them with the skills and knowledge they need to be the best they can be.
We explore our bespoke curriculum through the following topics:
Friends and Families
- Eco-Earth
- Wonderful World
- Growing and Gardening
- Amazing Animals
- People and Places
A Typical Day
A typical day in Reception consists of daily Read Write Inc (our phonics session), milk time, choosing time followed by lunch time.
In the afternoons we have maths, choosing time, and then story time.
In our choosing time there are plenty of opportunities to learn through play both through our fantastic indoor and outdoor classrooms come rain or shine!
As you can see we are very busy in Reception Butterflies! We aim to keep you up-to-date with all the fun we have through our online platform, Class Dojo.
Important Dates for You to Remember
We change our reading books on a FRIDAY.