A Warm Welcome to Year 1!
In Year 1 there are two classes, Foxes and Shrews!
In Foxes class, the class teacher is Miss Turner and Mrs Normington supports the learning along with Mrs Cockburn and Miss Harrison.
In Shrews class, the class teacher is Miss Kearns and Miss Bottomley supports the learning.
We are also very lucky to have Mrs Barker who supports the learning across Key stage 1, running groups alongside the children’s timetable to ensure all children reach their full potential. Mrs Barker also teaches PE once a week in Year 1.
In Year 1, we have high hopes for our children and constantly encourage them to ‘Be the best that they can be’. We encourage the children to follow our four bee values of; be kind, be inquisitive, be respectful and be safe.
A typical morning in Year 1 consists of daily RWI (our phonics session), English, Story time and Maths lessons. On an afternoon, we have daily phonics sessions as a class, then we spend time on our fun foundation subjects such as; Science, RE, jigsaw, History, Geography, Computing, handwriting, Art/DT and Music.
Within our engaging foundation subjects, we pose open-ended questions for the children to respond to through their learning journey by providing them with the necessary skills to answer them. Questions range from ‘Changes within living memory, special books in RE, and Abstract Art.
To support our super busy curriculum, we like to head out on some amazing trips which really helps to bring the learning to life for our children!
As you can see, the Year 1 children are very busy bees! We aim to keep you up-to-date with all the fun we have through our online learning platform, Class Dojo. We look forward to meeting you all and getting to know the children. If you have any questions in the meantime, please arrange to see us via the office or come and see us in the playground before or after school.
From the Year 1 Team!
During the first term there will be a strong focus on play based learning both inside and outside the classroom to help the children with the transition from Reception to Year 1. We will steadily introduce more formal learning when the children are ready.
In the half first term our learning will be based around some of our favourite traditional tales. We look forward to meeting you all and getting to know the children. If you have any questions in the meantime, please arrange to see us via the office or come and see us in the playground before or after school.