A Warm Welcome to Year 4!

Welcome back, we hope you’ve had an enjoyable summer break. The class teacher for Frogs Class is Miss Lancaster supported by Mrs Beardsley and the class teacher for Badgers Class is Miss Meares supported by Miss Carroll.

This half term our History topic will be linked to Victorians. We are very much looking forward to our trip to Saltaire on the 10th October. The children will look at how Victorian life was different in in the 1900s in comparison to now. In Science our first focus is Electricity where the children will look at what makes a complete circuit and how to be safe around electrical appliances. The maths focus for this half term will be place value, addition and subtraction.

Dates for the Diary: 

  • Fridays weekly spelling test, homework will be sent out on Mondays to be handed in on the following Monday. 
  • Tuesday 18th October Homework sharing day
  • PE will be on a Monday and a Thursday each week if children could come to school in their PE kit.

We look forward to an enjoyable first half term and rest of the year. If you have any concerns do not hesitate to arrange an appointment with us before or after school or contact us on class dojo.

Many thanks,

Miss Meares and Miss Lancaster