A Warm Welcome to Year 6!
We are pleased to welcome you into your final year of primary school. Your class teachers are Ms McCauley in Kestrels and Mrs Khan in Falcons. We are lucky to have Miss Desanj who works alongside our dedicated and welcoming teaching support team (Mrs McDonald, Ms Lohan and Miss Spencer) who offer both pastoral and academic support to ensure that all of our children reach their full potential.
In Year 6, we have high expectations of all learners and celebrate positive learning behaviours through our ‘Are you ready?’ reward system. Underpinning this are our school ‘Be’ rules: ‘Be Respectful’, ‘Be Kind’, ‘Be safe’, ‘Be Inquisitive’. We encourage our Year 6 students to be ambassadors of these and pride themselves in being role models for their peers both in and out of the classroom.
Our timetable consists of a daily English, Maths and Reading session; as well as Science, Geography, History, P.E., Computing, R.E., Music, Art, Spanish and D&T.
In Year 6, not only do we support you through your statutory SATs examinations, but we prepare you with the life skills and knowledge to help you progress into your next stage of learning. We know that leaving primary and transitioning into secondary can be daunting so we will support you through many activities and meetings including building relationships with local secondary schools, learning techniques for coping with changes and building self-confidence throughout the year.
We look forward to a fun-filled final year with you at Ingrow Primary School!