Attendance & Punctuality

Every day at Ingrow Primary School counts. 

At Ingrow Primary School we are continually striving to raise the attainment of our pupils. We firmly believe that this can be achieved by regular school attendance.

Why is good attendance important? 

Children who come to school regularly are most likely to:

  • Achieve good standards of work
  • Get on well with other children and have good friendships
  • Continue to do well when they transfer to Secondary School
  • Develop positive attitudes to work which will help them later in life, whatever their choice of career may be in adult life                           

 Children who are frequently absent are more likely to:

  • Fall behind in their work
  • Find it difficult to form lasting friendships
  • Be unhappy in school and have a poor attitude to work
  • Get involved in anti-social behaviour

What can you do to help?

  • Ensure children attend school every day and arrive on time.
  • Take family holidays during school holidays.
  • Try to make medical or dental appointments before or after school.
  • Inform the school of any absences by telephoning on the first day your child is absent and send a letter on your child’s return

Remember that Ingrow staff are here to support you with any problems that may affect your child’s/children’s regular attendance.

Every Minute Counts

Not only is attending school regularly important, ensuring your child arrives for school on time is also important.

Children should arrive at school in time for registration at 8.55am.

If your child arrives after the register has been taken they will be marked ‘late’. If your child/children are continually late we may ask the Education Social Worker to contact you.

Children who regularly arrive late miss important parts of the curriculum that may not be covered again.