Governing Body

Ingrow Primary is part of the Ingrow and Long Lee Federation. There is one single Governing Body. The Governors of the schools are responsible for staffing, finance, premises, curriculum and future planning of the school. Meetings are held once a term to discuss matters which affect the efficient organisation of the school. The head teachers present a termly report on the school and its activities. Parents are welcome to attend as non-participating members at all Governors’ meetings. 

In the Footprints Federation there are 12 Governors:

  • 2 are elected by the Parents
  • 1 are Local Authority appointees
  • 7 are co-opted
  • 2 are elected by the staff of the school

The Headteachers from each of the schools are also Governors:  Mrs S Holdsworth & Mrs L Murphy

Present Chairperson to the Governing Body: Mrs Kate Holmes


The Parent Governors welcome representation from parents on any issue or matter of concern.  Whilst most matters concerning an individual child, or the running of the school, are best raised with the class teacher or the Head of School, there may be occasions when you prefer to talk to one of the Parent Governors.  They can be contacted as follows:

Write to them c/o the School Office.

Name  Category Start/End Date Named Business Interests and Date Notified Gov of Other Educational Establishments Meeting Attendance Last Academic Year Meeting Attendance Last Academic Year
Julie Adams

Local Authority

01/10/21- 30/09/25 Performance Management Community & Parental Links None  None None 5/6

Dominic Atlas

Co-opted Parent 05/05/22 - 04/05/26 Inclusion None None None 5/6
Lynne Balmer Co-opted Staff 01/09/22 - 31/08/26 Governor Training None None Administrator - (sister-in-law) 5/6
Kate Holmes Co-opted Chair 10/01/22 - 09/01/26


None None None 6/6
Sue Holdsworth Head - Long Lee 01/09/22 - 31/08/26   None None None 5/6
Waine Pybus Parent 01/09/22 - 31/08/25

Safeguarding & Attendance

None None None 6/6
Nicola Willoughby Parent 05/05/22 - 04/05/26 Inclusion None None None 4/6
Lauren Murphy


Head - Ingrow

01/09/22 - 31/08/26   None None None 5/6
2 Vacancies for co-opted community governors




Instrument is 10 governors -

  • 2 parents - Waine & Nicola
  • 1 LA - Julie
  • 1 staff - Lynne
  • 2 Heads - Lauren & Sue
  • 4 co-opted - Kate & Dom plus 2 vacancies

No committees.