A Warm Welcome to Year 3!
Year 3 marks the beginning of our children’s Key Stage 2 journey!
There are two classes in Year 3, Beavers and Moles. In Beavers class, the class teachers are Miss Desanj and Miss Rehman and Moles’ class teacher is Miss Baxter. Supporting the learning in year three we have Mrs Hodgkins and Mrs Cockburn.
The staff in year 3 have high expectations of all learners and strive to nurture our children to become inquisitive lifelong learners developing respect for their world and those around them.
Throughout our learning journey, we aim to offer engaging, hands-on experiences in all our subjects to bring learning to life.
A typical morning in Year 3 consists of daily Reading, English and Maths lessons in addition to building our spelling and handwriting skills. Our afternoon sessions aim to spark curiosity as we recognise the importance of allowing all children to develop their scientific, historical, artistic and geographical skills. We acknowledge that children excel and flourish through many different topics, speeds and learning styles; so, at every opportunity, we aim to increase engagement and maximise learning.
We aim to keep you up-to-date with all the fun we have through our online learning platform, Class Dojo.
We look forward to working with you!
Miss Rehman and Miss Baxter