A Warm Welcome to Year 2!

In Year 2 there are two classes, Rabbits and Otters.

In Rabbits class, the class teacher is Miss Baxter and Mrs Normington supports the learning.

In Otters class, the class teacher is Miss Vine and Mrs Thompson supports the learning.

In Year 2, we have high aspirations for our children and constantly encourage them to ‘Be the best that they can be’. We equip children with the necessary skills to be independent, inquisitive learners through a wealth of carefully planned, engaging activities.

A typical morning consists of daily RWI (our phonics session), English and Maths lessons.

On an afternoon, we alternate with daily mental maths, handwriting or spelling then we spend time on our exciting foundation subjects. 

Within our engaging foundation subjects, we pose open-ended questions for the children to respond to through their learning journey by providing them with the necessary skills to answer them.  Questions range from ‘Would you rather live in the Arctic or the UK?’, ‘Who should we be proud of in Keighley: the Bronte Sisters or Captain Tom Moore?’ and ‘Are there really seven wonders of the world?’

Other afternoons are filled with exciting lessons such as Art and Design, PE, computing, RE and Design and Technology. Children in Year 2 also have weekly music lessons where they learn to play the glockenspiel!

To support our jam-packed curriculum, we like to venture out on some amazing, enriching trips which really helps to bring the learning to life for our children!

As you can see, the Year 2 children are very busy bees! We aim to keep you up-to-date with all the fun we have through our online learning platform, Class Dojo.